History of human, where and how did early humans live ?

Introduction – History of human

Many inferences can be made about the closest ancestor of humans. History of human- Human tailless monkeys such as chimpanzees, gorillas (animals found in Africa) Modern humans were African ancestors of Africa 200,000 years ago. History of Human, When and where did the closest ancestors of humans come from?  Where and how did early humans live?  After Homo erectus, evolution was divided into two branches.  The Neanderthal man of the first branches came to an end.  And the branch Chromagnon passed through the human stage and reached the present man.  Api and human are the ancestors of each other, this ancestor of man (human) “Api” in the new age, which started about 60 million years ago from today.  He did not live on trees but on the ground.  The ancestors of this api had stopped living on trees in the “middle life age” (70 million years ago from today), one of their branches remained like monkeys that jumped on trees.

History of human, where and how did early humans live ?
History of human

Human history

 We found tools made of stone at the time of Adi Man (Ancient Stone Age formerly) from about (5 lakh years ago to 50 thousand years from today) about 6 lakh years (years ago). History of human – About 2 years ago, after a human-like human, we found the bones of the jaws inside the rocks, this bone was found in a 50 feet deep pit near the city of Heidelberg, Germany.  From this it was speculated that a person with long hairy, strange appearance, this person was named “Hiddlevarga” by the ethnographer. Those people used stone tools and weapons.  These tools were better than the tools found 6 lakh years ago.  After this, no signs of pre-human were found for a million years. Then in 1621, many fragments of skull bones were found in Sussex province of Great Britain, this human Eproanthropus Pilhaddon was kept.  Then 50 thousand years ago, many pieces of human bones were found inside the rocks, which were named (Neederthal).  In 1621, at a place called Brockenhill in Africa, fragments of the bones of a creature’s skull were found, this creature seems like a link between a sub-human and a fully grown human.  Because he was closer to the real human at that time.  This creature of Neanderthal man was named (Rhodesian) human.50,000 years ago, the appearance of the earth was not what it is today, Europe and Asia were covered with ice. Where today is the United Provinces of Bihar and Bengal where there is a sea.

Where and how did primitive humans live?

 Its description is found in “An Outline of World History” of Wales.  They were introduced to the use of fire, they started sitting in the open, burning the fire on the sleeping place so that they could be saved from wild animals.  A small group lived in one place.  In this period, the primitive man used to lead a wandering life, the head of the group used to roam here and there in search of food, first he did not have the knowledge of wearing clothes, then he used to wear clothes of leaves, gradually he got knowledge of clothes.  Thousands of years ago, many villages were submerged, which today came out in excavations, which are useful today.

Ancient Stone Age

 The ancient stone age came to the theater of this world about 50 thousand years ago (from about 50 thousand years ago to 15 thousand years ago).  Since then the history of mankind begins (in the plain of Iraq in West Asia) from an ocean in North Africa.  About 50 thousand years ago, the original human (homosapien) originated in the same place in Central Asia, from there it spread all over the world, later the climate was divided into many species.  Human beings had direct children in the chain of evolution.  Or Heidelberg man or Eproanthropus, Neiderthal man or Rhodesian man?  The real human was not the child of any primitive man.  Heidelberg humans or (Eproanthropus) types of humans had long since disappeared.  The tradition of only Neiderthal man is found till 50 thousand years ago, it is estimated that at this time Neederthal man lived on this earth.  The api Neiderthal is more gentle than human, whose head and legs were of the same type as that of today’s human.  homosapien gave the modern human name. The first Chromagnon species, some pieces of whose bones were found in the Cromagnon place of France in 1565.  Another Grimaldi species whose remains were found in Grimaldi Cave near Menton. Chromagnon men were more than 6 feet, many tools and weapons were found made of flint single bones of these people, which were more beautiful than the weapons of the ancient Stone Age.  Conch shells and oyster ornaments were also found in this, these people used to dig pictures and paint on the walls of rocks and caves.  Images of animals such as fish, horse, mahagaj etc. were dug and made. The pictures of human form of Surat were very few. Many sculptures of animals carved from ivory were also found and some sculptures made of stone.  Mental development is known from these things, these people were definitely very good painters.

Neolithic Age

 From about 15 thousand years ago to today, about 6 thousand years ago (till the rise of the first ancient civilizations) From today, 40 to 50 years ago (before), the map of the world was slowly changing.  The boundary of continent, river, mountain, had become such as it is today. The time of the prehistoric era when humans (man) started making stone tools.  After this era, the Mesolithic era started when humans (humans) started farming. Snow had removed in places like Siberia, North America etc.  The country of Scandinavia and Russia was made a place for men to live.  Many animals found in Europe in the past, such as elephants, lions etc. had disappeared forever. People of North Africa, Asia, Minor, Iran, India, China, South West and Central Europe Deep group Neolithic age civilization  Had happened.  Real humans in America migrated to the Old World of the Paleolithic Age.  There they developed something of their own kind. In the Neolithic age, man built huts and made a habit of living in them, those people started covering their bodies.  The wheel was invented in this era.  This invention became a major reason for development for mankind.  The discovery of fire was done in the ancient stone age itself. But at that time humans did not know how to use fire.  In the Neolithic age, humans learned to use fire; in the ancient stone age, fire was originated by rubbing stones.

Development of the neolithic age 

In this period, humans started using tools and weapons made of smooth stones in addition to rough stones.  The main tool and weapon was the ax.  Later on, gold and silver ornaments (jewelry) started being made.  The natural grains produced in the forest, wheat, joe, maize, etc. started using more.  Then started planting seeds and thus started farming as well as learned to rear animals like cow, ox, sheep, goat, horse, pig etc.  Lost hunting.  Farming, animal husbandry, these things seem simple to us.  Then they would have learned the arts, in fact the wild wheat would have first produced itself.  They must have learned to eat and cook by grinding wild wheat.  Where did this wild first come from?  It was a self-developed commodity by “natural election” in the vegetable sector.  Apart from animal husbandry and farming (chalk) was invented by them. Clay pots were made with chalk, fire, which had been introduced in the ancient stone age itself, started eating after cooking meat and grinding food.  The covering of the body with leaves or skins had stopped, now the cloth building kutcha houses, they started living by covering the courtyards with soil, along with those who started farming, a special kind of recognition was also found, that is the belief of offering blood, sowing seeds by offering human sacrifice or animal sacrifice. Beautiful young men used to sacrifice the girl on time and at the time of going to cook the grain.  After a few days, they started sacrificing animals, there was no logic in those primitive humans behind this belief, there was no inspiration of any intellect.  These people still did not have the knowledge of the season that when is the right time to sow and reap.

Features of the Neolithic Age

  •  In the Neolithic age, humans learned to do agriculture.
  •  In the Neolithic age, humans learned to rear animals.
  •  In the Neolithic age, humans learned to make social arrangements.
  •  In the Neolithic age, humans learned the way of life.  And so on.

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