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Mother Teresa biography (Nobel prize winner)

Mother Teresa biography 

Mother Teresa was a Nobel laureate and social worker. He was born in Shohapaye, Yugoslavia (a country in Europe) in the year 1910.  Dedicated his whole life to serve the poor.  A great soul like Mother Teresa is needed in our country even today. Very few such great souls are born who have sacrificed their whole life for the poor and orphans, let us introduce you to their life .

Mother Teresa biography in Hindi –Click here

Mother Teresa biography(Nobel prize winner)
Mother Teresa
  • Real name – Agnees Goxha Bojajiu
  •  Changed Name – Mother Teresa, Sister Teresa
  •  Born – 26 August 1910
  •  Place of Birth – Shohpaye, Yugoslavia (a country in Europe)
  •  Education – Om Shohapae Public School
  •  Profession – Social worker, Founder of Missionaries of Charity
  •  Father’s Name – Trana Boyaz
  •  Mother Name – Nicola Boyaz
  •  Died – 5 September 1997 (India)
  •  Citizenship – Indian

Mother Teresa’s childhood and education

 Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 in Shohapai, Yugoslavia (a country in Europe).  His childhood name was Agnes, his father was an industrialist or was also very religious, Teresa’s mother was also very kind.  She attended a school run by the Roman Catholic Church.  Teresa was a simple, jovial person since childhood. Her life changed when Teresa was twelve. She met a pastor who worked in India.

Change in the life of Mother Teresa

 In the year 1922, when Mother Teresa was 12 years old, she all met a priest who worked in India, told that pastor Lane Teresa about India, since then there was a sense of human service in Teresa’s mind and she left her home.  Diya and Teresa reached Ireland where they decided to become nuns, stayed for a year with other nuns and completed their studies.  Women change their name after becoming their mind, preferring the veg union and keep its name. In the year 1931, Mother Teresa also changed her name from Agnes to Teresa.

Mother Teresa’s arrival in India

 Teresa came to India in the year 1929. Initially, Sister Teresa taught in a high school in Calcutta, she loved to read.  A few years later, in the year 1944, she became the principal of a high school. Mother Teresa was often called the saint of slums in India. One night Sister Teresa was traveling by train when her eyes were on the poor living on the streets of Calcutta.  The condition of those poor people lying there was very pathetic.  Some of them were sick, they had neither money to eat, nor a house to live, In the year 1948, Sister Teresa left the rest of the nuns and went to another country, from there she learned about health care.

Missionaries of Charities

 The Missionaries of Charities were approved on 17 October 1950.  The Missionaries of charities started in this way Sister Teresa once came out on the streets of Calcutta, where she got children today, who lived on the streets, no one loves those children Sister Teresa adopted those children, then a few days later the number of children  Sister Teresa was no longer alone, grew and turned 41.  Sister Teresa also lived like those poor children, they all lived in a small one-room house. One day, a young Indian woman came to meet Sister Teresa, she taught him in high school, some other young women helped Teresa.  Now all those women had become new nuns and Sister Teresa had now become Mother Teresa.  Mother Teresa calls her nuns Missionaries of Charities And each nun took a vow to love and serve the poor, each nun wore a plain sari. The nuns of the Missionaries of Charities always wore white blue fringed saris.  After the passage of time, many people together spread the Missionaries of Charities to every corner of India, some of them went to serve Italy, England, Ela, Salvador and America.

To know about missionaries of charity –Click here

Pure heart

 (Nirmal Hriday A building in which poor people lived and were treated by nuns) was named by Mother Teresa.  Mother Teresa and nuns used to serve people in a pure heart, many people started giving money to Mother Teresa for her great work, the Indian government also helped Mother Teresa, with that money Teresa used to buy essential things for the poor.  Mother Teresa started many schools and hospitals in the year 1964. Pope Paul VI came to India. American people presented him with an expensive motorcar. Before leaving India, the Pope presented his car to Mother Teresa. Teresa sold that motor car to the patients of leprosy.  settled a village for (leprosy is a type of disease that attacks the skin and nerves of the body)

Mother Teresa Award and Achievement

  •  Awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India in the year 1962.
  •  In 1965, the Missionaries of Charities declared a religious organization by Pope Paul.
  •  Awarded the Good Samaritan Award by the Kennedy Foundation in 1970.
  •  Awarded the Pop John xxiii Peace Prize in the year 1971.
  •  In 1972, Jawaharlal Nehru was honored with it for international goodwill.
  •  In 1973, he was awarded the Templeton Prize in London.
  •  In 1975 he was awarded the Albert Schweitzer Prize. In 1979.
  • In 1979, he was awarded the Buljan Award and the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mother Teresa’s death

 Mother Teresa died in 1997 in Calcutta, India.  Due to increasing age, his health deteriorated and the first heart attack came in 1983, the second time came in 1989, after that his condition worsened and on 5 September 1997 he died due to increasing heart problems.

Some interesting facts from the life of Mother Teresa

  •  Mother Teresa was called the saint of the poor settlement in India.
  •  Pop Paul heads a Madonna statue to Mother Teresa He presented Mother Teresa with the Pop John XIII Peace Prize.
  •  Mother Teresa used to travel all over the world to help the poor and orphans, she felt that the poor needed food, medicines as well as affection.
  •  Mother Teresa was warmly welcomed everywhere, whether she was meeting patients or students from a university in Japan.
  •  Mother Teresa was the christ of the poor and orphans.

Beautiful Thoughts of Mother Teresa

 Mother Teresa used to say

  •  Love each other in the same way as God does to all of us.
  •  The poor and orphans are great.
  •  Poor people need something more than material things, the biggest need of the poor is someone who loves them.
  •  What we do doesn’t matter that much, but what we do in common with how much love we do, it is more important.

FAQ Section –

1.Who was Mother Teresa? 

 Ans.  Mother Teresa is a social worker and Nobel laureate as well as Teresa Missionaries of Charities She was born on 26 August 1910 in Shohapayee, Yugoslavia (a country in Europe).

2. What decision did Mother Teresa take at the age of 18?

 Ans.  When Mother Teresa was 12 years old, she met a pastor who used to work in the country of India, after meeting her, Teresa’s life changed and decided in front of you that she would never marry again, her whole life becoming a nun poor  And will sacrifice it in the service of the orphan.

3. Why was Mother Teresa called Mother Teresa?

 Ans.  Mother Teresa is called Mother Teresa because she devoted her life to the service of the poor and orphans, who had no one to take care of them had made.

4. What do we learn from Mother Teresa?

 Ans.  We learn from Mother Teresa that we should not waste our life in vain, if we have got human life, we should serve the poor and orphans selflessly and help people as much as possible.

5.Where was Mother Teresa born?

 Ans. He was born on 26 August 1910 in Shohapai, Yugoslavia (a country in Europe).

6. What was the name of Mother Teresa’s organization?

 Ans. The name of Mother Teresa’s organization is Missionaries of Charities, which was started in the year 1950 in Calcutta (India).

7. Awards of Mother Teresa?

 Ans. Awards of Mother Teresa-
 Awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India in the year 1962.
 In 1965, the Missionaries of Charities declared a religious organization by Pope Paul.
 Awarded the Good Samaritan Award by the Kennedy Foundation in 1970.
 Awarded the Pop John xxiii Peace Prize in the year 1971.
 Jawaharlal Nehru for International Goodwill in the year 1972
 In 1973, he was awarded the Templeton Prize in London.
 In 1975 he was awarded the Albert Schweitzer Prize.
 In 1979, he was awarded the Buljan Award and the Nobel Peace Prize.

8. Where was Mother Teresa?

 Ans.  Mother Teresa was born in Shohapai, Yugoslavia (a country in Europe).

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